Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A New Found Love for....printed hoodies

IS that Miss Hilton?! don't break your teeth in jail, parhissss!
I love pink!

So lately, I've been addicted to graphic hoodies...especially ones that are cleverly designed. Where do I get all these goodies? And more urban gear?
Well, Click on this link...and you can get 20% off bags, shirts, shoes, jeans, hoodies (as seen above):

When it asks for a REP Code, enter this in the box: NA13028

Monday, May 21, 2007

Keep on Shinin'

"Let your light so shine before man, that they may see your good works & glorify your father in heaven"
Matthew 5:16

AND The most amazing quote on the subject of shining (as I first heard from the movie, Akeelah & the Bee and was also spoken by Nelson Mandela @ his 1994 Inaugural Speech, but written by Marianne Williamson):

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the World.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

-Marianne Williamson

A New Found Love for...Watercolors

Female Artist: Stina Persson (

Stina Persson has lived, studied and worked in Tokyo, New York, Florence and Lund, Sweden, where she was born. She says her illustration style is basically about "finding the right balance between the edgy and the elegant the raw and the beautiful." To achieve this, she uses ink, watercolor and gouache, as well as Mexican cut paper (used at ceremonies and festivals).

I love her use of watercolors. Brings a very modern feel to this art form. Growing up, as a daughter of an father was always forcing me to take up painting. Although my hands could never pick it up, my heart always kept room for the medium! I also love the way she paints her "girls" ...their sooo sexy, very elegant and portrayed like Lions: STRONG & Fierce!

Web Surfing Credit goes to:

Friday, May 18, 2007

To Myspace Or Not to Myspace? That is the Question!

So since my 4 month withdrawal from the "please-validate-me-and-My-space" life has become much more focused. And surprisingly...I haven't missed it all that much.

But now that i'm commiting myself to Stand up Comedy/Acting/Writing...and possibly some more producing & much later in life, directing...I'm contemplating getting back in with a NEW Comedy/Film profile. any thoughts?

Side Note: My REAL friends are AWESOME! oh and F*ck Petroleum! Werd!

Sooo COOL it Hurts: Miss Maxali & Bobby Drake

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Caterpillars & ChickFlicks on Steroids

Listening to: On My Own Time [Write On!] by Gym Class Heroes

What’s funny about manifesting? While underneath it all, you know YOU attracted certain things into your life …it was just a matter of time before the Universe would deliver. But on the otherhand…the exciting part is actually experiencing what you manifested and witnessing how AWESOME the Universe (& God) is. And how grand the things you receive truly are.

At the beginning of this year, I put out in the Universe that I wanted to spend more time with family…and after my hard work with the Vagina Monologues & the Women’s show…I really just wanted a weekend to myself to go to LA and spend time with friends. I got everything I asked for & MORE!!!!

Here's my weekend in a montage of visual memories:

Mahal & Lake: You can't see it, but they both have caterpillars on their hands!
Giddy UP!
Banging away at Renee's Piano
The cutest lil Oatmeal lover I know!
Topanga Canyon = So serene
Maya, Lake & Mahal...jumpin on the largest Trampolene ever!
My first take buddies: David & Jeff
Crazy cousins: Vivi & Tang (Happy B-day, Tang!)
The Foundation Room (House of Blues)
"Before they were stars!": Kristen, Jeff & Miss Maxali

My fav Godsister/Ate/Silly Cousin: Maya

Never stop dreaming...because what you dream = what you create, what you manifest, and what you achieve!

IT’s simply amazing how generous the Universe is…and how much God really wants to give you more then your heart could ever desire. Thank you God, the Universe, and myself for trusting in the process…and accepting what’s deserved after working soooo hard for 3 months on V Monologues & the Women’s show. Like Judith said “I deserved it”.