"Hit the snooze and sleep I'm calling in sick
Fake my cough and smile I'm calling in sick
Lay here for a while and make up my mind
Lick my tabs it's time to go on a trip"
So after an 8 hour day of rehearsals (Bindlestiff's Women's Show & Vagina Monologues Rehearsal)...I went home drained, exhausted, nose stuffed, and head a bit feverish. I always know when I'm coming down with something when my eyes feel like hot coals.
Last night, I lay in bed half asleep/half conscience...watching the A-listers, the Big Shots, and the Underdogs decked out in designer gowns and penguin suits..aka the 79th Academy Awards. I usually don't watch the ceremony. My attention span is limited to who's wearing who/what and then the end of the night: the re-caps and the big party coverage.
But because I was on the brink of a cold...I managed to nap inbetween important awards, Ellen's witty & hilrious hosting skills/celeb banter, & some what entertaining commercials. (Sidenote: Ellen & I share the same b-day: Jan. 26th!)
As the last three awards were being handed out...I awoke to Forest's hearfelt speech. As he spoke...i started to get chills. I was watching another actor take the words right out of my journal. His acceptance speech word for word is as follows:
“Thank you. Thank you. Just a second, just a second. OK. Take it (in).
OK. I wrote something down, because I thought if it would happen that I would be a little overwhelmed and I am. So, OK.
When I was a kid, the only way that I saw movies was from the backseat of my family's car. At the drive-in. And, it wasn't my reality to think I would be acting in movies, so receiving this honor tonight tells me that it's possible. It is possible for a kid from east Texas, raised in South Central L.A. in Carson, who believes in his dreams, commits himself to them with his heart, to touch them, and to have them happen.
Because when I first started acting, it was because of my desire to connect to everyone. To that thing inside each of us. That light that I believe exists in all of us. Because acting for me is about believing in that connection and it's a connection so strong, it's a connection so deep, that we feel it. And through our combined belief, we can create a new reality.
So I want to thank my fellow believers in The Last King of Scotland. I want to thank Peter, Jeremy, Andrea, Lisa, Charles, Kevin, James McAvoy, Kerry, Stephen, Fox, DNA, Channel Four. I want to thank the people of Uganda, who helped this film have a spirit. And finally, I want to thank my mom and my dad. I want to thank my wife Keisha, my children, my ancestors, who continue to guide my steps. And God, God who believes in us all. And who's given me this moment, in this lifetime, that I will hopefully carry to the end of my lifetime into the next lifetime. Thank you.”
I know you don't believe me. You're reading this entry and sayin..."no way". So, to end your skeptism... This is an excerpt from my Spiritual Journal...a journal I've kept since 2003:
"I cut this out of Blackbook Magazine. WHY? Because it's a reminder that everyone in this Universe is connected (whether we realize it or not) to each other and God. This picture is how I envision God sees us, great points of LIGHT, all connected to each other, all beautiful (no matter what "sins" we've commited), and all glorious together."
The picture i was talking about in my journal is a piece done by artist, Angie Drakopoulous:

Another piece of his speech that struck a chord in me, was his appreciation to his ancestors. Ever since I was a teenager, I knew the importance of my ancestors. I think it's something ingrained into the Filipino-American culture. To always appreciate the family that came before you. To understand and give gratitude for the sacrifices they gave to make your life what it is today. Without them, I wouldn't be here.
And after my last grandpa passed away in 2003, I felt something. Like Voltron: Protector of the Universe! (ok, this is a geeky analogy, but on point nonetheless)
When my grandpa passed on to the other side, It was like Voltron must feel when each of the five Lions come together to create him/her. It was as if his soul infused with all my ancestors to guide and protect me. (To Western Christians, it's like the belief in Angels). I felt like I had another ally on my side. To help me along my God-Given path. One that would help look out for me. An ally that had my back! I feel this and I appreciate my ancestors.
Forest stated in an interview, "I wasn't sure what was going to happen tonight but I thought something magical was going to happen," Whitaker said backstage after receiving the award. "Because I could feel the breath on my neck and the tingling on my body. For me it is like my ancestors speaking to me and they are saying to me, 'We are with you.'"
And like Forest Whitaker, I too started to act, not for fame or money, but because I wanted to give something back to this world. To give to my audience. To share with an audience a piece of me. To wake up audiences around the world through my art. To be a vessel that gives a voice to others that don't have a chance to tell their stories. To in turn change the world positively. And I feel I can do that in my acting, writing, and comedic delivery.
And just like Mr. Whitaker...Someday when the Universe is ready and with help from God & my ancestors, i too will win an Oscar. No, not for Best Actress or even for Best Supporting Actress...But for Best Original Screenplay! :)

Dang, not only is he a BLessed soul with great intentions...but he also has a HOT wife
To watch his full acceptance speech, cut & paste this link into your browser:
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