The feelings of hope and inspiration overwhelmed me as I sat on my couch that evening, thanking God for all the people that came out to vote that day. Showing the masses that Love does overcome Fear, that Hope does overcome Terror & that Change does overcome Stagnation & Decay!
As someone said:
"Rosa sat so that Martin could walk...
Martin walked so that Obama could run...
Obama is running so we all can fly!"
With that said, "YES WE CAN!!!"
Oh and on another INSPIRATIONAL note, another thing became official that week... which I feel is equally blog worthy...I officially got to open for Dave Chappelle at the SF Punchline!!!! As some of you know, I landed a 5 minute guest spot for him this past June. But last week I got a whole 10 minute opening spot...meaning it was just me and Dave on stage that night.
Dave is a really stand-up guy. I wrote more on the subject on my Myspace Comedy Page ( But here's one of the pics we took that week:
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